There are 4 aspects to the Migration to WorkflowMax by Blue Rock you may care to consider.

  1. Review (Health Check) of your account - Are you using WorkflowMax optimally?  We can do a 300 Item Health Check of your account.

  2. Remedial Action – Optimising your setup and processes - making sure that you are benefiting from all of WorkflowMax’s features.

  3. The Migration itself - we have put together a 13 item Migration package to expedite your migtation.

  4. Post Migration ongoing support.

    1. Get access to our regularly released training materials, all displayed in the new user interface.

    2. Enjoy one-on-one phone support with an expert.

    3. Keep updated with new functionality releases and bug fixes as they happen.

We are offering 7 ‘Maximise-Your-Migration’ deals for a very limited time.